How To Cut Very Long Pieces On Scroll Saw

Scroll sawing can be used to create intricate and detailed pieces of wood.

If youre looking for a way to cut long pieces of wood, scroll sawing is the perfect option. Scroll sawing can be precise and precise, and it doesn’t require a lot of experience.

You can create beautiful scroll saw art with the right tools and practice. This guide will show you how to cut very long pieces on your scroll saw, so you can start making the projects youve always dreamed of.

How To Make Very Long Pieces With A Scroll Saw:

These are the steps that will help you to cut long pieces with your scroll saw.

1. Measure The Length:

Before you start cutting, measure the length of the piece you want to cut. This will allow you to plan your cuts and ensure that the piece fits properly.

2. Mark The Line:

Use a pencil or marker to mark the line where you want to make your cut. You can use a straight edge if necessary.

3. Clamp The Wood:

As much as possible, clamp the wood to a surface such that it does not move during cutting. This will help ensure accurate cuts.

4. Reduce Slowly

It is important to take your time when making long cuts. This will help prevent mistakes and keep your blade from breaking.

5. You Can Use A Backer Board.

If the piece youre cutting is very long, you may want to use a backer board. It is a piece made of the same wood as the piece you are cutting. This will prevent the saw blade from bending.

6. Keep The Blade Parallel To Each Other:

Make sure that your saw blade is parallel to the line you marked on the wood. This will ensure accurate cuts.

7. Use A Featherboard

A featherboard can help keep the wood against the fence and the table, which will help produce precise cuts.

8. Complete The Cut

When you reach the end of your cut, hold the wood firmly against the fence and table and finish the cut. Do not try to pry it from the blade.

9. Remove The Waste:

To remove any waste from your cut, use a coping or chisel. Be careful not to damage the wood.

10. Sand The Edges:

After you have removed all the waste, smoothen the edges to make them even. This will help prevent splinters and make the piece look nicer.

Thats how you cut very long pieces on a scroll saw! With these steps, you can easily create beautiful pieces of woodworking art. Practice a few times and youll be able to do it like a pro.

Safety Tips:

These are safety tips to remember when you’re cutting long pieces with a scroll saw.

You should ensure that the blade is in tip-top condition. A dull blade can cause the wood to splinter, which can lead to injuries.

When cutting long pieces, always use a pushstick. This will keep your hands free and allow you to have better control of the piece.

At all costs, keep your fingers away from the blade. Even a small nick can cause serious injury.

Make sure the wood is securely clamped to the table before starting to cut. This will help prevent it from moving around while youre working.

Take your time when cutting and be careful not to apply too much pressure. If youre forcing the saw to cut, its likely that youre going to damage the blade or the wood.

When using a scrollsaw, always wear safety goggles. Chips and sawdust can fly up into your eyes and cause serious damage.

Some Common Mistakes:

Here are some common mistakes people make when cutting very long pieces on scroll saw:

1. Not measuring the length of the cut beforehand. This can lead to inaccurate cuts and waste wood.

2. Not clamping the wood down securely before beginning to cut. This could cause wood to move during cutting, leading to an incorrect cut.

3. Don’t cut too fast. When cutting a long piece of wood, its important to take your time and make accurate cuts. You can make mistakes or be inadvertently speedy.

4. Not using a backer board. A backer board is a piece of scrap wood that is clamped to the workpiece behind the cut line. This helps to keep the wood from splitting as it is being cut.

5. A saw blade not appropriate for the thickness and type of wood should be used. Too sharp or too dull a saw blade can lead to problems when cutting long pieces of wood.

6. Cutting on the wrong side of the line. This can result in an inaccurate cut and wasted wood.

7. Not supporting the end of the piece being cut. This could cause the wood to split or break as it is being cut.


What Blade Is The Best For Long Cuts?

This question is not easy to answer. It depends on the thickness of the wood you are cutting and the type of blade you are using. A sharper blade will make cleaner cuts, but it can also be more dangerous to use. A duller blade will be less likely to cause splitting or breaking, but it may not produce as clean a cut.

How Do I Prevent The Wood From Splitting When I Cut It?

You can prevent the wood from splitting by using a backer board and/or a saw blade that is appropriate for the thickness of the wood. You should also take your time when making cuts, and avoid cutting too quickly. Use a support hand to hold the end of the cut piece.

Is It Possible To Use A Jigsaw For Long, Straight Cuts On Wood?

While it is possible to use a jigsaw to make long cuts on wood, it is not recommended. A jigsaw is not as precise as a scroll saw and can cause the wood to split or break.


Scroll sawing is a great hobby, and with the right techniques, it can be easy and fun. We have shown you how to use the scroll saw to cut long pieces.